Java Reference
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figure 4.11
A possible Shape class
1 public class Shape
2 {
3 public double area( )
4 {
5 return -1;
6 }
7 }
This suggests a class for Shape , as shown in Figure 4.11. Once we have the
Shape class, we can provide others, as shown in Figure 4.12. These classes
also include a perimeter method.
The code in Figure 4.12, with classes that extend the simple Shape class in
Figure 4.11 that returns -1 for area , can now be used polymorphically, as
shown in Figure 4.13.
A huge benefit of this design is that we can add a new class to the hierar-
chy without disturbing implementations. For instance, suppose we want to
add triangles into the mix. All we need to do is have Triangle extend Shape ,
override area appropriately, and now Triangle objects can be included in any
Shape[] object. Observe that this involves the following:
Too many
instanceof opera-
tors is a symptom
of poor object-
oriented design.
NO CHANGES to the Shape class
NO CHANGES to the Circle , Rectangle , or other existing classes
NO CHANGES to the totalArea method
making it difficult to break existing code in the process of adding new code. Notice
also the lack of any instanceof tests, which is typical of good polymorphic code.
4.2.1 abstract methods and classes
Although the code in the previous example works, improvements are possi-
ble in the Shape class written in Figure 4.11. Notice that the Shape class itself,
and the area method in particular, are placeholders : The Shape 's area method
is never intended to be called directly. It is there so that the compiler and
run-time system can conspire to use dynamic dispatch and call an appropriate
area method. In fact, examining main , we see that Shape objects themselves
are not supposed to be created either. The class exists simply as a common
superclass for the others. 5
Declaring a private Shape constructor DOES NOT solve the second problem: The constructor
is needed by the subclasses.
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