Java Reference
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implementation Represents the internals of how the specifications are met. As
far as the class user is concerned, the implementation is not important.
import directive Used to provide a shorthand for a fully qualified class name.
Java 5 adds the static import that allows a shorthand for a static member.
information hiding Makes implementation details, including components of an
object, inaccessible. (70)
instance members Members declared without the static modifier. (83)
instanceof operator Tests if an expression is an instance of a class. (82)
javadoc Automatically generates documentation for classes. (73)
javadoc tag Includes @author , @param , @return , and @throws . Used inside of
javadoc comments. (74)
method A function supplied as a member that, if not static, operates on an
instance of the class. (71)
mutator A method that changes the state of the object. (76)
object An entity that has structure and state and defines operations that may
access or manipulate that state. An instance of a class. (70)
object-based programming Uses the encapsulation and information-hiding
features of objects but does not use inheritance. (71)
object-oriented programming Distinguished from object-based programming
by the use of inheritance to form hierarchies of classes. (69)
package Used to organize a collection of classes. (90)
package statement Indicates that a class is a member of a package. Must pre-
cede the class definition. (93)
package-visible access Members that have no visibility modifiers are only
accessible to methods in classes in the same package. (95)
package-visible class A class that is not public and is accessible only to other
classes in the same package. (95)
pair The composite pattern with two objects. (96)
private A member that is not visible to nonclass methods. (72)
public A member that is visible to nonclass methods. (72)
static field A field that is shared by all instances of a class. (83)
static initializer A block of code that is used to initialize static fields. (86)
static method A method that has no implicit this reference and thus can be
invoked without a controlling object reference. (83)
this constructor call Used to make a call to another constructor in the same
class. (82)
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