Java Reference
In-Depth Information
figure 3.10
An example of a
static initializer
1 public class Squares
2 {
3 private static double [ ] squareRoots = new double[ 100 ];
5 static
6 {
7 for( int i = 0; i < squareRoots.length; i++ )
8 squareRoots[ i ] = Math.sqrt( ( double ) i );
9 }
10 // Rest of class
11 }
3.6.6 static initializers
Static fields are initialized when the class is loaded. Occasionally, we need a
complex initialization. For instance, suppose we need a static array that stores
the square roots of the first 100 integers. It would be best to have these values
computed automatically. One possibility is to provide a static method and
require the programmer to call it prior to using the array.
An alternative is the static initializer . An example is shown in Figure 3.10.
There, the static initializer extends from lines 5 to 9. The simplest use of the
static initializer places initialization code for the static fields in a block that
is preceded by the keyword static . The static initializer must follow the dec-
laration of the static member.
A static initializer is
a block of code that
is used to initialize
static fields.
example: implementing
a BigRational class
In this section, we write a class that illustrates many of the concepts that have
been described in this chapter, including
public static final constants
use of an existing class, namely BigInteger
multiple constructors
throwing exceptions
implementing a set of accessors
implementing equals and toString
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