Java Reference
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Implement a split method that returns an array of String contain-
ing the tokens of the String . Use a Scanner . The method signature
for split is
public static String [ ] split( String str )
An alternative to using a Scanner is to use the split method for a
String . Specifically, in the statement below:
String [ ] arr = str.split( "\\s" );
if str is
, then arr will be an array of length four stor-
ing the Strings " this " , " is " , " a " , and " test " . Modify the code in
Section 2.6.2 to use split instead of a Scanner .
this is a test
Both a Scanner and split can be configured to use delimiters that are
different than the normal whitespace. For instance, in a comma sepa-
rated file, the only delimiter is the comma. For split, use
the parameter, and for Scanner , at the statement
scan.useDelimiter( "[,]" )
Armed with this information, modify the code in Section 2.6.2 to work
for a comma separated line of input.
Create a data file double1.txt containing floating point numbers and
suitable for use in Exercise 2.14. Write a method that invokes the
functions in that exercise on the data in your file. Make sure there is
only 1 item per line and handle all problems.
Create a data file double2.txt containing floating point numbers in a
two dimensional array suitable for use in Exercise 2.15. Write a
method that invokes the functions in that exercise on the data in your
file. If your code in Exercise 2.15 requires that the two-dimensional
array be rectangular, then throw an exception if the data file does not
represent a rectangular array, prior to invoking your method.
Create a data file double3.txt containing floating point numbers in a
two dimensional array suitable for use in Exercise 2.15. The numbers
in each row should be comma separated. Write a method that invokes
the functions in that exercise on the data in your file. If your code in
Exercise 2.15 requires that the two-dimensional array be rectangular,
then throw an exception if the data file does not represent a rectangu-
lar array, prior to invoking your method.
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