Graphics Reference
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4.5.1 Script Breakdown
The script derives from MonoBehavior to tap into the Start() and FixedUpdate() system
public class PretendFriction : MonoBehavior
The Start() function caches the rigidbody, the amount of mass on the rigidbody and
the transform:
void Start ()
// cache some references to our rigidbody, mass and
// transform
The FixedUpdate() function will calculate how much an object is sliding—to do this,
it finds how much sideways movement the object is making (to the right relative to the
transform's rotation)—to find out how much slip is happening:
void FixedUpdate ()
// grab the values we need to calculate grip
// calculate flat velocity
// calculate how much we are sliding
// build a new vector to compensate for the sliding
TEMPvec3= myRight * (-slideSpeed * myMass * theGrip);
// apply the correctional force to the rigidbody
myBody.AddForce(TEMPvec3 * Time.deltaTime);
4.6 Cameras
here are just two camera scripts for the example games in this topic. hose are a third-
person camera (a camera that sits behind and orbits around the player) and a top-down
camera (a camera that sits up above the player, looking down). They use a similar interface
for other scripts to be able to communicate with them, and both cameras should provide
a good starting point for camera systems in your own games.
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