Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
4 Recipes: Common
4.1 Introduction
Many of the scripts in this topic are in some way linked to the base framework or parts
of larger systems, but there are some that we will use that could fit into a whole number
of positions in a whole number of different game types. Utility scripts or commonly used
systems are also going to come in really handy for the game projects. This chapter is all
about those, an eclectic bunch of reusable scripts such as timers or utilities.
In the example source files, the COMMON folder can be found within the Scripts
folder. This is where we store all of the scripts that may crop up now and again that are not
part of the base framework. Within the COMMON folder, there are a number of subfold-
ers. hose are
Contains scripts related to player or automatic control, such as a script to talk
to the BaseAIController.cs script and act as a simple, functional bot moving
around in a game environment.
Scripts related to the camera should go in here, such as third-person or top-down
camera code.
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