Graphics Reference
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The player spaceships persist across levels, keeping the same gameObjects and com-
ponents from the start of the game right through to the end. In the Start() function,
DontDestroyOnLoad tells Unity to keep this gameObject's transform alive throughout:
public override void Start()
// we want to keep the player object alive right through the
// game, so we use DontDestroyOnLoad to keep it alive
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.transform);
There are some variables that need to be set up by the base class (BaseTopDownSpace-
Ship), and rather than duplicating the code in this derived class, we call base.Init() to run
the original script's Init() function before calling Init() on this class:
// tell our base class to initialize
base.Init ();
// now do our own init
The Boolean variable godMode is used to make the player invulnerable. The intention
is that godMode will be set in the Unity editor Inspector window and only used during
testing to get through a level easily. When Init() starts up, the first thing that happens is that
the default state for vulnerability/invulnerability is set. The functions MakeVulnerable()
and MakeInvulnerable() will deal, respectively, with showing or hiding a shield mesh
around the player, as well as with setting the right variable to make it work:
public override void Init ()
// hide the invulnerability shield(!)
} else {
The weapon control system needs to know what this player's ID is, so that it can tell all
of the projectiles it spawns which ID to carry with them (making the projectiles traceable
back to either player 1 or player 2). The Standard_SlotWeaponController reference gets
found and stored into the variable weaponControl, then its SetOwner() function is called
to set the owner ID to the ID of the player:
// get a ref to the weapon controller
weaponControl= myGO.GetComponent<Standard_SlotWeaponController>();
// tell weapon control who we are (so all weapon control can tell
// projectiles who sent them)
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