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if( UIControl != null )
UIControl.UpdateScoreP2( aScore );
public void UpdateLivesP2( int aScore )
if( UIControl != null )
UIControl.UpdateLivesP2( aScore );
Player_SpaceShip_IP.cs will deal with the player's health/lives management, but
when a player runs out of lives, it calls the PlayerDied() function here so that the game
controller can decide whether or not the game is actually over. If this is a single-player
game, the game can end right after this function call, but if it is a two-player game, we
need to make sure that both players have lost all their lives before ending the game
public void PlayerDied(int whichID)
The ID of the player with no lives left is passed in as a parameter named whichID. This
is used to set player1Dead or player2Dead to true, depending on the ID number:
This part of the code checks to see whether this is a two-player game and, if so, tells
the UIControl script to show the game-over message. A call to Exit() is scheduled by an
Invoke call 5 s later:
if(player1Dead && player2Dead && totalPlayers>1)
// both players are dead, so end the game
Invoke ("Exit",5);
When totalPlayers is 1, this must be a single-player game, so there is only a need for
one call to happen to this function for it to show the game-over message and end the game:
} else if(totalPlayers==1)
// this is a single-player game, so just end the game now
// both players are dead, so end the game
Invoke ("Exit",5);
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