Graphics Reference
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The SceneManager variable contains a reference to the SceneManager component that
will be responsible for figuring out which level to load in next. First, GetSceneManager() is
called to make sure we have a working reference to it:
// make sure we have a scene manager to talk to
GetSceneManager ();
As long as SceneManager exists (and is not null), the call to GoNextLevel() will have
the scene manager load the next game scene and increment its current level counter:
// tell scene manager to load the next level
if( sceneManager != null )
} else {
To find the SceneManager.cs script component, the GetSceneManager() function first
needs to find its gameObject. The gameObject has been named SceneManager in the Unity
editor, so a call to GameObject.Find() should return it without any trouble:
void GetSceneManager ()
// find level loader object
GameObject sceneManagerGO =
GameObject.Find ( "SceneManager" );
Assuming that the gameObject has been found and a reference stored in scene
ManagerGO, which we do a quick null check on here, we can go ahead and grab another
reference, this time to the SceneManager component itself. GameObject.GetComponent()
finds the SceneManager:
// check to see if we managed to find a manager object
// before trying to get at its script
if( sceneManagerGO!=null )
EnemyDestroyed() is an overridden version of the function, which can be found in
the original base class (BaseGameController.cs). We need to add some extra functionality
to it:
public override void EnemyDestroyed ( Vector3 aPosition,
int pointsValue, int hitByID )
When an enemy is destroyed, the scene would not be complete without a sound effect.
BaseSoundController provides a nice explosion sound:
// tell our sound controller to play an explosion sound
BaseSoundController.Instance.PlaySoundByIndex( 1, aPosition );
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