Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Enemies:
a. BaseWaypointFollower
b. BaseAIController
4. Scene Manager
5. User Interface—The user interface for in-game will derive from the
BaseUIDataManager script from Chapter 4, which adds data management. The
main menu uses the main menu system outlined in Chapter 10.
6. Sound Controller—The sound controller script from Chapter 8.
7. Music Controller
14.3.2 Game Controller
The GameController_IP script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GameController_IP : BaseGameController
public string mainMenuSceneName = "menu_IP";
public bool didInit;
public Transform playerParent;
public GameObject[] playerPrefabList;
public GameObject powerUpPrefab;
public float levelForwardSpeed =1f;
public Transform CameraTransform;
public GameObject playerGO1;
public GameObject playerGO2;
private Player_SpaceShip_IP playerScript1;
private Player_SpaceShip_IP playerScript2;
public BaseUserManager mainPlayerDataManager1;
public BaseUserManager mainPlayerDataManager2;
private int powerupExplosionCounter =0;
public int numberOfExplosionsToMakePowerup =10;
public UI_IP UIControl;
public UI_GameOver gameOverUIScript;
public BaseCameraController cameraControl;
private int tempINT;
private Vector3 tempVec3;
private Quaternion tempQuat;
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