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// clear target
AIControlComponent.SetChaseTarget( null );
// change AI state
AIControlComponent.SetAIState( AIState.moving_looking_
for_target );
public bool CanSee( Transform aTarget )
// first, let's get a vector to use for raycasting by
// subtracting the target position from our AI position
tempDirVec= Vector3.Normalize( aTarget.position -
myTransform.position );
// let's have a debug line to check the distance between the
// two manually, in case you run into trouble!
Debug.DrawLine( myTransform.position, aTarget.position );
// cast a ray from our AI, out toward the target passed in
// (use the tempDirVec magnitude as the distance to cast)
if( Physics.Raycast( myTransform.position +
( visionHeightOffset * myTransform.up ), tempDirVec, out hit,
chaseDistance ))
// check to see if we hit the target
if( hit.transform.gameObject == aTarget.gameObject )
return true;
// nothing found, so return false
return false;
13.8.1 Script Breakdown
This script will utilize some of the functionality provided by MonoBehavior, which is
where it derives from:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
The AIStates namespace is used by this script to make accessing the AIStates enu-
meration list easier:
using AIStates;
public class SetAIChaseTargetBasedOnTag : MonoBehavior
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