Graphics Reference
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if(tempGO.layer==17 || tempGO.layer==9)
// grab a ref to the projectile's controller
aProj= tempGO.GetComponent<ProjectileControl
// quick check to make sure that this
// projectile was not launched by this player
if( aProj.ownerType_id != id )
// tell the hit function about this
// collision, passing in the
// gameobject so that we can
// get to its projectile controller
// script and find out more about
// where it came from
// tell our battle controller that we
// got hit
// tell the global battle controller
// who fragged us
( aProj.ownerType_id );
public void OnTriggerEnter( Collider other )
// check to see if the trigger uses any of the layers where
// we want to automatically respawn the player on impact
int objLayerMask = (1 << other.gameObject.layer);
if ((respawnLayerMask.value & objLayerMask) > 0)
void Hit()
// reduce lives by one
if(myDataManager.GetHealth()<1) // <- destroyed
// blow up! (apply a force to affect everything in
// the vicinity and let's get the model spinning
// too, with angular velocity)
myBody.AddExplosionForce(myBody.mass * 2000f,
myBody.position, 100);
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