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// first, we need to find the player that we're trying to
// calculate the position of
focusPlayerScript= (BattleController)
// start with the assumption that the player is in last
// place and work up
myPos = numberOfBattlers;
for ( int b = 1; b <= numberOfBattlers; b++ )
// assume that we are behind this player
isAhead = false;
// grab a temporary reference to the 'other' player
// we want to check against
tempRC = (BattleController) battleControllers [b];
// if car 2 happens to be null (deleted for example)
// here's a little safety to skip this iteration in
// the loop
if ( focusPlayerScript.GetID() != tempRC.GetID() )
{ // <-- make sure we're not trying to compare same objects!
// check to see if this player has fragged
// more
// if( focusPlayerScript.howMany_fraggedOthers
// > tempRC.howMany_fraggedOthers )
// isAhead=true;
// we check here to see if the frag count is
// the same and if so we use the id to sort
// them instead
if( focusPlayerScript.howMany_fraggedOthers
== tempRC.howMany_fraggedOthers &&
focusPlayerScript.GetID() > tempRC.GetID() )
// alternative version just for fun... counts
// fragged times too
// check to see if this player has fragged more
if( ( focusPlayerScript.howMany_fraggedOthers
- focusPlayerScript.howmany_frags ) >
( tempRC.howMany_fraggedOthers -
focusPlayerScript.howmany_frags ) )
if ( isAhead )
return myPos;
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