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before tempRC. If focusPlayerScript.IsLapDone() is true and tempRC.IsLapDone() is
false, the script sets isAhead to true:
// has the player completed a lap and is getting ready to
// move onto the next one?
if ( focusPlayerScript.GetCurrentLap() ==
tempRC.GetCurrentLap() &&
focusPlayerScript.GetCurrentWaypointNum() == tempRC.GetCurrentWaypointNum()
&& ( focusPlayerScript.IsLapDone() == true &&
tempRC.IsLapDone() == false ) )
isAhead = true;
A fifth and final condition does a similar check to the last one, only this time omit-
ting any waypoint checking. Here the code focuses on whether the two players are on the
same lap and, when they are on the same lap, whether the focusPlayerScript has finished
its lap or not. When focusPlayerScript.IsLapDone() is true and tempRT.IsLapDone() is
false, we know that the focused player is ahead and can go ahead and set isAhead to true:
if ( focusPlayerScript.GetCurrentLap() ==
tempRC.GetCurrentLap() && ( focusPlayerScript.IsLapDone() ==
true && !tempRC.IsLapDone() ) )
isAhead = true;
At this point, isAhead tells us whether or not the player represented by focusPlayer-
Script is ahead of the current player represented by tempRC. If isAhead is true, the script
can reduce the value of myPos to move the player's race position up to one:
if ( isAhead )
By the time this loop has iterated all the way through the players, myPos shows exactly
which race position the focused player is in. The function ends, returning myPos out:
return myPos;
Both functions StartRace() and StopRace() change the value of raceRunning (to true
or false, respectively) and call the UpdateRacerState() function to tell the players about
the change:
public void StartRace()
public void StopRace()
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