Graphics Reference
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The variable waypointManager must contain a reference to a waypoint controller to
// quick check to make sure that we have a reference to the
// waypoint manager
if( waypointManager==null )
It may be possible for this function to be called before the waypoint controller has
finished setting up, so to avoid any problems we check to see if there are any waypoints
set up and, if not, make a quick call out to waypointManager.GetTotal() to get the total
waypoints and drop out of the function:
// because of the order that scripts run and are
// initialized, it is possible for this function
// to be called before we have actually finished running the
// waypoints initialization, which means we need to drop out
// to avoid doing anything silly or before it breaks the game.
// grab total waypoints
totalWaypoints = waypointManager.GetTotal();
If there is no transform referenced in the currentWaypointTransform, this code
assumes that this is the first run and sets currentWaypointNum to 0 before making a call
out to the waypointManager.GetWaypoint() function to return a usable transform:
// here, we deal with making sure that we always have a
// waypoint set up and if not take the steps to find out
// what our current waypoint should be
The waypoint checking works by looking at the distance between the player and the way-
point and moving on to the next waypoint when that distance gets too low. For this type of
waypoint following, where steering is employed to turn left or right depending on the direc-
tion of the waypoint, the y -axis may be discounted. It will serve only to make the distance
checking more complicated (since it would be on three axes instead of two) so the first part of
this code takes the positions of the player and waypoint and copies them into variables. The
copies have the y positions set to 0, removing the y -axis from any further calculation:
// now we need to check to see if we are close enough to the
// current waypoint to advance on to the next one
myPosition = myTransform.position;
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