Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Ve h ic le s :
a. Main player
b. AI opponents
All vehicles use the weapon controller Standard_Slot_Weapon_Controller.cs
4. User Interface—The user interface for in-game will derive from the Base
UIDataManager script from Chapter 4, which adds data management. The main
menu uses the main menu system outlined in Chapter 10.
5. Sound Controller—The sound controller script from Chapter 8.
6. Music Controller
12.3.1 Game Controller
The game controller script GameController_MVD.cs looks like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GameController_MVD : BaseGameController
public string mainMenuSceneName = "menu_MVD";
public int totalLaps = 3;
public int numberOfRacers = 4;
public Transform playerParent;
public Transform [] startPoints;
public Camera_Third_Person cameraScript;
public GameObject playerGO1;
private CarController_MVD thePlayerScript;
private CarController_MVD focusPlayerScript;
private ArrayList playerList;
private ArrayList playerTransforms;
private float aSpeed;
public GUIText lapText;
public GUIText posText;
// position checking
private int myPos;
private int theLap;
private bool isAhead;
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