Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12.1 Headlong Racing by PsychicParrot Games.
Figure 12.2 Metal Vehicle Doom .
Its prefabs are located in the Prefabs/Games/Metal Vehicle Doom folder.
12 .1 Main Menu Scene
The game works over two scenes, a main menu and the main track scene. The scene named
menu_MVD contains a single camera called Main Camera. The MainMenuController.cs
script component is attached to the camera object and deals with rendering the menu to
the screen and dealing with interaction.
12 .2 Main Game Scene
The menu loads a scene containing the track and environmental specifics such as a light
and any collision meshes. When the game starts, the game controller adds the racers to the
scene (instantiating their prefabs) as the game begins.
The main menu consists of a single gameObject and the main menu script is shown
in Chapter 10.
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