Graphics Reference
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public GameObject gameOverMessage;
public GameObject getReadyMessage;
void Awake()
Before showing the main UI, the player_highscore variable needs to be populated
with the high score saved in a PlayerPrefs file. The function LoadHighScore() is called to
set that up:
void Init()
Both messages (gameOverMessage and getReadyMessage) are hidden at the start of
the game by calling the HideMessages() function:
HideMessages ();
The message to get ready (the reference to which is in the getReadyMessage) will be on
screen in 1 second after this function call, as set up by the Invoke command:
The get-ready message stays on the screen for another second before the following
Invoke call is activated and the message hidden from view:
In HideMessages(), both messages are hidden using the GameObject.SetActive()
public void HideMessages()
The function dedicated to showing the get-ready message is called from the Init()
function via Invoke:
public void ShowGetReady()
When the game has ended, ShowGameOver() gets called. The high score is saved out
into the PlayerPrefs file and the message set to active (shown) via GameObject.SetActive():
public void ShowGameOver()
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