Graphics Reference
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As with players, gameObjects used to define player start positions are also stored in an
array called startPoints (again, its references are set in the Inspector window of the Unity
editor). Note that there needs to be at least the same amount of start positions as players
for this function to work (as each player will need one).
The function iterates through the start position objects to get at positions and rotations
from them and store each one into the arrays playerStarts and playerRotations:
// initialize some temporary arrays we can use to set up the
// players
Vector3 [] playerStarts = new Vector3 [numberOfPlayers];
Quaternion [] playerRotations = new Quaternion [numberOfPlayers];
// we are going to use the array full of start positions that must
// be set in the editor, which means we always need to make sure
// that there are enough start positions for the number of players
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++ )
// grab position and rotation values from start position
// transforms set in the inspector
playerStarts [i] = (Vector3) startPoints [i].position;
playerRotations [i] = ( Quaternion ) startPoints [i].rotation;
Now that the function has arrays for players, start positions and start rotations, it can
call upon the SpawnController instance's SetUpPlayers() function to bring them into the
game scene:
SpawnController.Instance.SetUpPlayers( playerPrefabList,
playerStarts, playerRotations, playerParent, numberOfPlayers );
At some point, it is inevitable that this script will need to communicate with the players.
The player transforms get stored in an ArrayList called playerTransforms and references to
their control scripts (instances of Player_LBS.cs) held in an array named playerList.
The SpawnController instance returns an ArrayList() back from GetAllSpawned
Transforms() that we use to iterate through to get to each Player_LBS instance with
playerTransforms=new ArrayList();
// now let's grab references to each player's controller script
playerTransforms =
playerList=new ArrayList();
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++ )
Transform tempT= (Transform)playerTransforms[i];
Player_LBS tempController=
tempController.Init ();
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