Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
public void RemoveEnemyFromRadar( Transform aTransform )
theRadarControlScript.RemoveEnemyBlip( aTransform );
public Player_LBS GetMainPlayerScript ()
return focusPlayerScript;
public Transform GetMainPlayerTransform ()
return playerGO1.transform;
public GameObject GetMainPlayerGO ()
return playerGO1;
public void PlayerDied(int whichID)
// this is a single player game, so just end the game now
// both players are dead, so end the game
Invoke ("Exit",5);
void Exit()
Application.LoadLevel( mainMenuSceneName );
// UI update calls
public void UpdateScoreP1( int aScore )
UIControl.UpdateScoreP1( aScore );
public void UpdateLivesP1( int aScore )
UIControl.UpdateLivesP1( aScore );
11.5.1 Script Breakdown
GameController_LBS.cs derives from BaseGameController, which, in turn, derives
from MonoBehavior so that it can tap into some of Unity's built-in calls to functions like
Update(), Awake() and Start(), etc.:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
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