Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
public Wave_Spawner WaveSpawnController;
public Transform playerParent;
public Transform [] startPoints;
public GameObject playerGO1;
private Vector3[] playerStarts;
private Quaternion[] playerRotations;
private ArrayList playerList;
private ArrayList playerTransforms;
private Player_LBS thePlayerScript;
private Player_LBS focusPlayerScript;
public BaseUserManager mainPlayerDataManager1;
private int numberOfPlayers;
public UI_LBS UIControl;
public static GameController_LBS Instance;
public float gameSpeed=1;
public RadarGUI theRadarControlScript;
public GameController_LBS()
public void Start()
public void Init()
Invoke ("StartPlayer",1);
numberOfPlayers= playerPrefabList.Length;
// initialize some temporary arrays we can use to set up the
// players
Vector3 [] playerStarts = new Vector3 [numberOfPlayers];
Quaternion [] playerRotations = new Quaternion [numberOfPlayers];
// we are going to use the array full of start positions that must
// be set in the editor, which means we always need to
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