Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
configurable in the Unity editor by going to the menus Edit → Project Settings → Quality
and editing each quality setting as a list in the Inspector window).
The main menu class is in a script called MainMenuController.cs. It is derived from
MonoBehavior and looks like this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MainMenuController : MonoBehavior
public int whichMenu= 0;
public GUISkin menuSkin;
public string gameDisplayName= "- DEFAULT GAME NAME -";
public string gamePrefsName= "DefaultGame";
public string singleGameStartScene;
public string coopGameStartScene;
public float default_width= 720;
public float default_height= 480;
public float audioSFXSliderValue;
public float audioMusicSliderValue;
public float graphicsSliderValue;
private int detailLevels= 6;
void Start()
// set up default options, if they have been saved out to
// prefs already
audioSFXSliderValue= PlayerPrefs.
} else {
audioSFXSliderValue= 1;
audioMusicSliderValue= PlayerPrefs.
} else {
audioMusicSliderValue= 1;
graphicsSliderValue= PlayerPrefs.
} else {
string[] names = QualitySettings.names;
detailLevels= names.Length;
graphicsSliderValue= detailLevels;
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