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// completed the route!
reachedLastWaypoint= true;
// if we are set to loop, reset the current
// WaypointNum to 0
currentWaypointNum= 0;
// the route keeps going in a loop, so we
// don't want reachedLastWaypoint to ever
// become true
reachedLastWaypoint= false;
// drop out of this function before we grab another
// waypoint into currentWaypointTransform, as we
// don't need one and the index may be invalid
With all of the manipulations to currentWaypointNum now complete, we can use it
as an index number to ask the waypoint controller myWayControl to provide the trans-
form for the next waypoint. currentWaypointTransform is set to the result of a call to the
Waypoint_Controller.cs function GetWaypoint():
// grab our transform reference from the waypoint
// controller
currentWaypointTransform= myWayControl.GetWaypoint
( currentWaypointNum );
Finally, in this epic BaseAIController.cs script, two small functions provide access to
the horizontal and vertical input variables:
public float GetHorizontal()
return horz;
public float GetVertical()
return vert;
9.3 Adding Weapon Control to the AI Controller
The BaseArmedEnemy.cs script is intended to be added to a player to take control of the
weapons system and deal with firing. It does not specifically reference or require the AI con-
troller, and it works independently, relying only on the Standard_SlotWeaponController.
cs script to operate the weapon and a separate class named AIAttackStates.
The AIAttackStates.cs script stores an enumerated list of the possible states for the
armed enemy to take:
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