Graphics Reference
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// find the distance between us and the chase target
// to see if it is within range
distanceToChaseTarget= Vector3.Distance
( myTransform.position, followTarget.position );
If the target is further than minChaseDistance 3D units away, the bot will continue to
move forward. The MoveForward() function takes care of keeping things moving:
// check the range
if( distanceToChaseTarget>minChaseDistance )
// keep charging forward
When the target transform is too far away, the AIState needs to switch back to the
search/patrol state of AIState.moving_looking_for_target:
// here we do a quick check to test the distance
// between AI and target. If it's higher than
// our maxChaseDistance variable, we drop out of
// chase mode and go back to patrolling.
if( distanceToChaseTarget>maxChaseDistance ||
CanSee( followTarget )==false )
// set our state to 1 - moving_looking_for_
// target
SetAIState( AIState.moving_looking_for_target );
// -----------------------------
The next case is AIState.backing_up_looking_for_target, which calls upon the
MoveBack() function to take care of moving the bot backward:
case AIState.backing_up_looking_for_target:
// look for chase target
if( followTarget!=null )
LookAroundFor( followTarget );
// backing up
MoveBack ();
Once IsObstacleAhead() returns a zero (no obstacles) into obstacleFinderResult, we
try to avoid hitting the same obstacles again by going into turning mode. Which direc-
tion to turn is randomized in the hope that if one way proves unsuccessful in getting the
bot out of the trap situation, perhaps turning the other way will free it. To randomize, we
use Random.Range(min,max) to represent a 50/50 percentage split over which direction
it will turn:
if( obstacleFinderResult==0 )
// now we've backed up, let's randomize
// whether to go left or right
if( Random.Range (0,100)>50 )
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