Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
followTarget= theTransform;
public virtual void Update ()
// make sure we have initialized before doing anything
if( !didInit )
Init ();
// check to see if we're supposed to be controlling the player
if( !AIControlled )
// do AI updates
public virtual void UpdateAI()
// reset our inputs
int obstacleFinderResult= IsObstacleAhead();
switch( currentAIState )
// -----------------------------
case AIState.moving_looking_for_target:
// look for chase target
if( followTarget!=null )
LookAroundFor( followTarget );
// the AvoidWalls function looks to see if there's
// anything in front. If there is, it will
// automatically change the value of moveDirection
// before we do the actual move
if( obstacleFinderResult==1 ){ // GO LEFT
SetAIState( AIState.stopped_turning_left );
if( obstacleFinderResult==2 ){ // GO RIGHT
SetAIState( AIState.stopped_turning_right );
if( obstacleFinderResult==3 ){ // BACK UP
SetAIState( AIState.backing_up_looking_for_
target );
// all clear! head forward
case AIState.chasing_target:
// chasing in case mode, we point toward the target
// and go right at it!
// quick check to make sure that we have a target
// (if not, we drop back to patrol mode)
if( followTarget==null )
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