Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
The fields produced by fixed sources can be observed at distances so large
that the effects of the ionosphere on signal propagation become significant,
and the Biot-Savart Law no longer applies. These Controlled-Source Audio-
Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) methods are discussed in Chapter 9.
8.4 Transient Electromagnetics
Transient electromagnetic (TEM) systems provide multi-frequency data by
repeatedly sampling the transient magnetic fields that persist after a transmit-
ter current has been terminated. A modified square wave of the type shown in
Figure 8.14 flows in the transmitter circuits, and transients are induced in the
ground on both the upgoing and downgoing ramps . Only currents induced
during the downgoing ramps are used, since only they can be observed in the
absence of the primary field. Ideally, the up-ramp transients should be small
and decay quickly, and the up-ramp is often tapered to reduce induction.
In contrast, on the down-ramp the current flow is terminated as quickly as
Tx current
Inducing e.m.f
Induced current
(poor conductor)
Induced current
(good conductor)
Figure 8.14 Transient electromagnetic (TEM) transmitted and received sig-
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