Graphics Programs Reference
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FIGURE 2.10 You can change underconstrained sketch elements by dragging them with
the mouse.
Inventor's sketch dimensions can also simplify creating geometry with differ-
ent units. If you're working in inches but need to size something based on a
known metric measurement, you can input the value and the units. If you don't
specify the units, Inventor uses the default units of the template from which you
started the part. Inventor does the calculations for you and maintains the units
that you specifi ed in the background.
One school of thought says you should dimension part sketches so that the
dimensions can be reused. I believe you should dimension your sketches in
whatever fashion allows you to change your part in a predictable way; if they
happen to be reusable for detail dimensions later on in the drawing, great. If
they can't be reused, then it's easy to create new dimensions in the drawing.
Some companies don't allow sketch dimensions to be reused in a drawing.
Inventor is installed by default with the ability to update a 3D part by modifying
a sketch dimension's value in the 2D drawing. This option can be set during
installation; but rather than risk a mistake, many companies discourage or bar
the practice of reusing sketch dimensions in drawings.
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