Graphics Programs Reference
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Let's break the view of the shaft:
1. Pick the Break tool from the Modify panel in the Place Views tab.
2. Select the drawing view of the shaft as the view to be modifi ed.
3. Click a point near the left end of the large portion of the shaft, and
then click another point near the right end, as shown in Figure 9.8.
FIGURE 9.8 Selecting the portion of the shaft to be removed
When you pick the second point, the view updates to look like
Figure 9.9.
4. Place another break on the left end of the shaft, and move the view to
the left so it looks like Figure 9.10.
5. Save the drawing.
6. Create a projected view to the right of the shaft. Right-click, and
select Create to generate the view.
7. Switch the Ribbon to the Annotate tab.
8. Pick the Baseline Set tool in the Dimension panel.
9. Pick the left edge of the large-diameter portion of the shaft, pick each
end of the shaft, and then pick the other end of the large diameter.
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