Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Select the type of hole you want to create by using one of the four icons just
to the right of the Placement group. To the right of the area where you select
the type of hole you want to place, a graphic displays the contour of the hole
and the hole's dimensional values. You can change those values directly in the
graphic when they're made available:
Drilled This hole has one diameter from the beginning edge to the bottom of
the hole.
Counterbore This uses a drilled hole for the middle portion but creates a cylin-
drical relief beginning from the same plane.
Spotface Spotface is geometrically similar to a counterbore hole — the two
could be mistaken for each other — but they're typically used for different real-
world applications. A spotface is usually used when the surface it's being placed
on is unsuitable for a bolt or fi tting to be tightened to. In a spotface hole, the
depth and diameter of the upper cylinder are controlled just like a counterbore,
but the depth of the drilled portion begins at the bottom of the spotface instead
of the same plane, as in the counterbore. You can see this easily by clicking back
and forth between the two and watching the dimension in the graphic change.
Countersink Countersink uses a conical relief to seat screws so their heads are
fl ush or nearly fl ush with the surface the hole is placed in.
Drill Point allows you to specify whether a hole is pointed or fl at at its bottom.
The pointed option even allows for the use of custom drill point angles for spe-
cial applications.
The Termination group options control how and where the end of the
hole occurs:
Distance Distance uses a dimension in the graphic above it to set a value.
Through All Through All passes the hole through any feature that it encounters
and theoretically makes an infi nitely deep hole.
To This option allows you to defi ne a stopping face where the drill will pass
through but not continue beyond.
At lower-left are four more options that control what class of hole is created.
In this area, you can save a lot of work looking up standards:
Simple Hole Simple Hole creates a basic, cylindrical hole that is sized in the
graphic in the dialog box.
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