Database Reference
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Stream Aggregate
[TMP count(*)]
Index Join
Index Join
Index Seek
[Emp (M) .E1]
Index Join
Index Seek
[Dept (D) .D1]
Index Seek
[Emp (E) .E2]
RID Lookup
[Emp (E)]
Index-based execution plan for a SQL query.
to be maintained for every update to their corresponding tables, and they use
additional disk space to redundantly store database tuples. Finally, indexes
that are very useful to a given query might degrade performance for other
queries (e.g., updates).
For all these reasons, there has always been a great amount of interest in
deciding, for a given query workload, what would be a reasonably good set
of indexes to materialize in the database to maximize query processing per-
formance. Database developers and administrators spend significant amounts
of time not only writing SQL queries but also choosing indexes that enable
ecient executions for such queries. Recall that SQL is a declarative language,
and therefore developers should not worry about how queries are executed.
What happens in practice, though, is that developers guess how queries would
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