Database Reference
In-Depth Information
CSelectBest : This configuration is the best possible one for SELECT
queries in the workload. Specifically, CSelectBest contains the best
indexes that implement each access path request generated while opti-
mizing the workload (see Section
11.1.1 Constraint Language by Example
We next illustrate the different features of the constraint language by using
Simple constraints: To specify the storage constraint that is used in vir-
tually all physical design tuning tools we use:
where size(C) returns the combined size of the final configuration.
Constraints begin with the keyword ASSERT and follow the function-
comparison-constant pattern. As another example, the following con-
straint ensures that the cost of the second query in the workload under
the final configuration is not worse than twice its cost under the cur-
rently deployed configuration:
ASSERT size(C)
2 * cost(W[2], COrig)
For a fixed Q , the value cost(Q, COrig) is constant, so the ASSERT
clause is valid.
Generators: Generators allow us to apply a template constraint over each
element in a given collection. For instance, the following constraint gen-
eralizes the previous one by ensuring that the cost of each query under
the final configuration is not worse than twice its cost under the cur-
rently deployed configuration:
ASSERT cost(W[2], C)
ASSERT cost(Q, C)
2 * cost(Q, COrig)
In turn, the following constraint ensures that every index has at most
four columns:
ASSERT numCols(I) 4
Filters: Filters allow us to choose a subset of a generator. For instance,
if we want to enforce the previous constraint only for indexes that have
leading column col3 , we can extend the original constraint as follows:
WHERE I LIKE "col3,*"
// LIKE does “pattern matching”
// on index columns
ASSERT numCols(I) 4
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