Database Reference
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3. Nicolas Bruno and Surajit Chaudhuri. Constrained physical design
tuning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large
Databases (VLDB) , 2008.
4. Surajit Chaudhuri, Mayur Datar, and Vivek R. Narasayya. Index selec-
tion for databases: A hardness study and a principled heuristic solution.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , 16(11), 2004.
5. Surajit Chaudhuri and Vivek Narasayya. An ecient cost-driven index
selection tool for Microsoft SQL Server. In Proceedings of the Interna-
tional Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB) , 1997.
6. Stratos Papadomanolakis and Anastassia Ailamaki. An integer lin-
ear programming approach to database design. In Workshop on Self-
Managing Database Systems , 2007.
7. Karl Schnaitter, Neoklis Polyzotis, and Lise Getoor. Index interactions
in physical design tuning: Modeling, analysis, and applications. Proceed-
ings of the VLDB Endowment , 2(1), 2009.
8. Gary Valentin, Michael Zuliani, Daniel Zilio, Guy Lohman, and Alan
Skelley. DB2 advisor: An optimizer smart enough to recommend its
own indexes. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE) , 2000.
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