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C to a new candidate C tr . We can eciently estimate the expected decrease
in storage space
S tr = size ( C )
size ( C tr ) and the maximum increase in cost
T tr = CostBound ( C tr )
Cost ( C ). The value penalty ( C tr )=
T tr /
S tr esti-
mates the increase in execution cost per unit of storage expected for C tr .
Penalty values are opposed to promise values, and thus we can rank configura-
tions by increasing values of penalty ( C tr ). The reason is that we are interested
in configurations that are significantly smaller in space without increasing
the expected cost too much (note that a slight variation of this heuristic is
used in the greedy approximation to the knapsack problem in Section 6.1.2).
Suppose that the space constraint is B (i.e., we are interested in the best con-
figuration that fits in B ). Any decrease in space beyond B is not strictly useful,
but we might artificially decrease the value of penalty ( C tr ) whenever size ( C tr )
is significantly below B . For that reason, we refine the penalty function for
C tr obtained by transforming C as follows:
T tr
C tr ) =
min (size(
S tr )
Pruning and Backtracking
As explained in Figure 6.6, we keep transforming the current configuration
until it is pruned, at which point we backtrack to a previous configuration and
start another iteration. Consider a storage constraint B , and assume a SELECT -
only workload. Suppose that the current configuration C exceeds B , but after
transforming C into C we observe that C is within the storage bound B .In
this case, no matter how we further transform C , we would never obtain a
valid configuration that is more e cient than C . The reason is that all the
transformations (e.g., merges and reductions) result in configurations that are
less ecient for the input workload. Therefore, C would be more ecient than
any remaining configuration obtained by transforming C and also fits in the
storage constraint. We can therefore stop the current iteration and prune C .
After we prune a configuration (or whenever the current configuration cannot
be further transformed), we need to pick a suitable configuration to backtrack
to and continue the search space enumeration. One approach to choose a new
configuration is as follows. We first obtain the chain of transformed config-
urations from the initial to the current one. We then pick the configuration
that resulted in the actual largest penalty when transformed (with the aim
of “correcting” what went wrong in the estimation of penalty values). Other
alternative ways to pick a new configuration include choosing the unpruned
configuration with the smallest cost, the smallest storage surplus, or the best
ratio of such quantities.
6.2.2 Handling Updates
So far we focused on SELECT -only workloads. The main impact of an update
query is that some (or all) of the indexes defined over the table updated by
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