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Beven K. J. Kinematic subsurface stormflow. Water Resources Research , 17(5):1419-1424, 1981a.
Beven K. J. The effect of ordering on the geomorphic effectiveness of hydrologic events. In Erosion and Sediment
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Beven K. J. Infiltration into a class of vertically non-uniform soils. Journal of Hydrology , 29:425-434, 1984.
Beven K. J. Hillslope runoff processes and flood frequency characteristics. In Abrahams A. D., editor, Hillslope
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Beven K. J. Runoff production and flood frequency in catchments of order n : An alternative approach. In Gupta
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Beven K. J. Changing ideas in hydrology: The case of physically-based models. Journal of Hydrology , 105:157-
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Beven K. J. Spatially distributed modelling: Conceptual approach to runoff prediction. In Bowles D. S. and
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Beven K. J. Uniqueness of place and process representations in hydrological modelling. Hydrology and Earth
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Beven K. J. Dalton Medal Lecture: How far can we go in distributed hydrological modelling? Hydrology and
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Beven K. J. Towards an alternative blueprint for a physically-based digitally simulated hydrologic response
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Beven K. J. Towards a coherent philosophy for environmental modelling. Proceedings of the Royal Society
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Beven K. J. Runoff production in semi-arid areas, in Kirkby M. J. and Bull L., editors, Dryland Rivers , pages
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Beven K. J. Surface runoff at the Horton Hydrologic Laboratory (or not?). Journal of Hydrology , 293:219-234,
Beven K. J. Robert Horton's perceptual model of infiltration. Hydrological Processes , 18:3447-3460,
Beven K. J. Robert Horton and abrupt rises of groundwater. Hydrological Processes , 18:3687-3696, 2004c.
Beven K. J. On the concept of model structural error. Water Science and Technology , 52:165-175, 2005.
Beven K. J. A manifesto for the equifinality thesis. Journal of Hydrology , 320:18-36, 2006a.
Beven K. J. The holy grail of scientific hydrology: Qt = H(S R) A as closure. Hydrology and Earth System
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Beven K. J. On undermining the science? Hydrological Processes , 20:3141-3146, 2006c.
Beven K. J., editor. Benchmark Papers inHydrology: Streamflow generation processes . IAHS Press, Wallingford,
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