Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
INTAMAP The Interoperability and Mapping project is developing a web-based framework for the
real-time mapping of critical environmental variables using geostatistical methods. It can be used for
exchanging data, carrying out statistical analysis, and visualising results. INTAMAP can be found at
DTM-ANALYSIS Topographic analysis software to calculate the TOPMODEL topographic index using
a multiple flow direction algorithm (see the list for Chapter 6).
FLUXNET acts as a repository for more than 500 sites around the globe making observations from
micrometeorological tower sites that use eddy covariance methods to measure the exchanges of carbon
dioxide (CO 2 ), water vapour and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Details of
the sites and available data can be found at
GLOBAL RUNOFF DATA CENTRE (GRDC) The World Meteorological Global Runoff Database, hosted
at the Bundesanstalt fur Gewasserkunde (BfG) in Germany, contains river discharge data collected at
daily or monthly intervals from more than 7700 stations in 156 countries (a total of around 310 000
station-years with an average record of 40 years). The GRDC provides discharge data and data products
for non-commercial applications at node.html.
HYDROSHEDS DEM The Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at mul-
tiple Scales (HydroSHEDS) is a mapping product maintained by the US Geological Survey that offers a
suite of geo-referenced data sets (vector and raster) at various scales, including river networks, watershed
boundaries, drainage directions and flow accumulations at regional and gobal scales. HydroSHEDS is
based on high-resolution elevation data obtained during a space shuttle flight for NASA's Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM). Data are available at 1 arc second (about 30m) resolution in the conter-
minous US and has been averaged to 3 arc seconds elswhere. Vectorised river network data are available
at the same site. The data are known to contain some voids and artifacts. HydroSHEDS can be found at
TARDEM Topographic analysis software available from
UK HYDROLOGICAL DATA The UK National River Flow Archive, hosted by the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology allows daily river discharge data and catchment averaged rainfalls for some 200 stations to
be downloaded and data from other stations to be ordered at
US HYDROLOGICAL DATA In the USA, river discharge data are available from the USGS (http:// and climate data from NOAA (
html). The NOAA National Climate Data Centre also allows some global climate datasets to be accessed.
Data for several hundred US and other basins are also available by way of the MOPEX project (see
Section 10.3) at Data/. The Land Surface Hydrology
Research Group at the University of Washington maintains databases of both meteorological and hydro-
logical data at
Chapter 4 Data-Based Models
IHACRES The PC IHACRES software, along with its 94-page user guide, which includes tuto-
rials and other documents, is available to download, free of charge from
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