Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Program Flow Control Statements
The important program flow control statements for the OpenGL ES 2.0 shader language follow.
for loop: To use a for loop, initialize the counter value before starting the loop;
execute the loop, if the expression evaluates to true; at the end of the loop, update
the counter value; and repeat the loop, if the expression in the for loop evaluates
to true.
for(Initial counter value;
Expression to be evaluated;
Counter increment/decrement value)
// Statements to be executed.
while loop: Execute the statements in the while loop, as long as the expression to
be evaluated is true.
while( Expression to evaluate )
// Statement to be executed
if statement: If the expression evaluates to true, then the statements within the if
block are executed.
if (Expression to evaluate )
// Statements to execute
if else statement: Execute the statements in the if block; if expression evaluates
to true else , execute the statements in the else block.
if (Expression to evaluate)
// Statement to execute if expression is true
// Statement to execute if expression is false
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