Game Development Reference
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The function does the following:
Creates an integer array View that holds the current screen view parameters of
the Android device.
Calls MapWindowCoordsToWorldCoords() function with the view parameters,
along with the x and y locations that the user has touched and a z value of
1. The 3D homogeneous world coordinates are returned in the WorldCoords
float array.
Converts the homogeneous coordinates to Cartesian coordinates by dividing
WorldCoords by the w value or fourth element in the WorldCoords array. The
result is stored in TargetLocation .
Defines the WeaponLocation variable as the location of the camera or viewer.
Defines the Direction variable, which is the direction the weapon is to be
fired, as a vector going from the WeaponLocation to the TargetLocation .
Fires the player's weapon with the projectile starting at the WeaponLocation
location and in the direction Direction .
Plays the player's weapon sound effect.
Listing 7-62. Checking the User's Touch for Firing the Weapon
void CheckTouch()
// Player Weapon Firing
int[] View = new int[4];
View[0] = 0;
View[1] = 0;
View[2] = m_ViewPortWidth;
View[3] = m_ViewPortHeight;
float[] WorldCoords = MapWindowCoordsToWorldCoords(View, m_TouchX, m_TouchY, 1);
// 1 = far clipping plane
Vector3 TargetLocation = new Vector3(WorldCoords[0]/WorldCoords[3],
WorldCoords[1]/WorldCoords[3], WorldCoords[2]/WorldCoords[3]);
Vector3 WeaponLocation = m_Camera.GetCameraEye();
Vector3 Direction = Vector3.Subtract(TargetLocation, WeaponLocation);
if ((Direction.x == 0) && (Direction.y == 0) && (Direction.z == 0))
if (m_Weapon.Fire(Direction, WeaponLocation) == true)
// WeaponFired
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