Game Development Reference
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For example, in Listing 4-14 a uniform variable that has a value of type float is set using the
glUniform1f() function.
Listing 4-14. Setting a Float Uniform Shader Variable
void SetShaderUniformVariableValue(String variable, float value)
int loc = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(m_ShaderProgram,variable);
GLES20.glUniform1f(loc, value);
The SetShaderUniformVariableValue() function in Listing 4-15 that follows sets a uniform shader
vec3 variable, taking as input a Vector3 object and using a glUniform3f() function to set the actual
shader variable. As before, the glGetUniformLocation() function gets the index of the desired
variable from the shader program.
Listing 4-15. Setting a Vector3 Uniform Shader Variable Using a Vector3 Object
void SetShaderUniformVariableValue(String variable, Vector3 value)
int loc = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(m_ShaderProgram,variable);
GLES20.glUniform3f(loc, value.x, value.y, value.z);
The following SetShaderUniformVariableValue() function in Listing 4-16 sets a vec3 shader variable,
taking as input a float array. The function sets the vec3 shader variable using the first three values of
the float array.
Listing 4-16. Setting a vec3 Uniform Shader Variable Using a Float Array
void SetShaderUniformVariableValue(String variable, float[] value)
int loc = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(m_ShaderProgram,variable);
GLES20.glUniform3f(loc, value[0], value[1], value[2]);
Function SetShaderVariableValueFloatMatrix4Array() in Listing 4-17 sets a uniform 4-by-4 matrix
shader variable or array. The following code sets a mat4 shader variable called uModelViewMatrix to
the data from the float array ModelViewMatrix . The count variable is set to 1, because there is only
one 4-by-4 matrix. Transpose is set to false, to indicate that the default OpenGL matrix format will be
used. Offset is the offset into ModelViewMatrix , where the matrix data starts.
m_Shader.SetShaderVariableValueFloatMatrix4Array("uModelViewMatrix", 1, false, ModelViewMatrix, 0);
Listing 4-17. Setting a Uniform Mat4 Shader Variable
void SetShaderVariableValueFloatMatrix4Array(String variable,
int count,
boolean transpose,
float[] value,
int offset)
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