Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Best in Print
TThe Alm
e Almost Ne
t Nearly P
rly Perrffect P
t People
(Michael B
el Bootth; 2
; 20014) E
4) Entterrttaiiniing lo
g look a
ok att
modderrn Sc
n Scandin
dinavia w
ia with No
ith Norrway a
y at c
t centtrre s
e sttage..
Island Sum
d Summerrs: Me
: Memorriies o
s of a No
f a Norrwegiian Ch
n Childh
ildhood((Tilly C
illy Culm
20013) L
3) Love le
e letttter t
r to th
o the No
e Norrwegiian c
n coastt..
TThe Ic
e Ice Mus
e Museuum((Joanna K
a Kavenna; 2
; 2006) V
006) Viividly c
idly capttuures o
s our f
ur fasciinattiion w
n with
tthe A
e Arrcttic No
ic Norrtth..
ellowsship o
ip of Gh
f Ghostts((Paul W
ul Wattkiins; 2
; 2004) Solo f
004) Solo foot j
t jouurneys th
s thrrough No
ugh Norrway''s
high c
igh couunttrry..
Rowiing t
g to L
o Lattiitude
ude((Jill F
ill Frreddstton; 2
; 20002) A j
2) A jouurney b
y by r
y rowwboat alo
t along No
g Norrway''s
Best on Film
NNorrth o
th of th
f the Sun
e Sun((20013) D
3) Docuumenttarry de
y depiicttiing n
g niine m
e montths o
s on a r
n a remotte s
e sttrrettcch
of A
f Arrcttic c
ic coastt..
Max Ma
Max Manuus((2009) R
009) Rollick
ollickiing f
g film ab
ilm about th
ut the No
e Norrwegiian R
n Resiisttance.
Crross My He
s My Hearrt a
t and Ho
d Hope t
e to D
o Diie((1994) P
994) Prriize--wiinniing e
g evocattiion o
n of a
f an O
n Oslo ch
slo child-
Wiives((19985) R
5) Ruuefful p
ul porrttrrayal o
al of th
f thrree f
e frriiends r
ds reuuniited a
d at a
t an O
n Oslo s
slo scchool r
ol reuuniion..
Nine L
e Liives((19957) W
) Widely r
idely rannked a
d among th
g the b
e best No
t Norrwegiian f
n film
ilms o
s of all t
f all tiime..
A Multicultural Norway?
On 22 July 2011, Norway lost its innocence. That was the day when Anders Behring
Breivik detonated a car bomb in Oslo aimed at the nation's political class (eight people
were killed), and then, disguised as a policeman, gunned down 69 young political activists
on the island of Utøya. When later captured, Breivik claimed that he had acted so as to
save Norway and Europe from being taken over by Muslims. Norway's measured response
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