Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pop 6250
The administrative centre of Finnmark, Vadsø has a mixed Norwegian and Finnish herit-
age thanks to large-scale immigration from Finland in the 19th century. A monument at the
north end of Tollbugata commemorates this cultural heritage. Vadsø is also renowned as a
site for polar exploration, with several expeditions having started or ended here. Like other
Finnmark towns, it was badly mauled in WWII, by both Russian bombers and retreating
Nazi troops.
Birders take note: if visiting in early summer, watch for the distinctive Steller's eider, a
duck that nests hereabouts.
Tuomainengården MUSEUM
( ; Slettengate 21; adult/child Nkr50/free;
10am-5pm Mon-Fri, to 4pm Sat
& Sun mid-Jun-mid-Aug, to 3pm Mon-Fri rest of year)
This historic Finnish farmhouse, built in 1840, had its own bakery, sauna and blacksmith.
Esbensengården MUSEUM
( ; Hvistendalsgata; adult/child Nkr50/free;
10am-5pm Mon-Fri, to 4pm
Sat & Sun mid-Jun-mid-Aug, to 3pm Mon-Fri rest of year)
Constructed in the mid-19th century, and just around the corner from Tuomainengården, is
this opulent merchant's dwelling, complete with stable and servants' quarters.
Kjeldsen Fish Factory MUSEUM
(adult/child Nkr50/free; noon-6pm mid-Jun-mid-Aug)
This old fish factory is at Ekkerøy, 15km east of town. The complex retains its old stores
and lodgings, a mass of arcane fishing equipment, the former shrimp processing and bot-
tling room, and a vast black vat and boiler for extracting cod-liver oil. Plan to arrive when
hunger is beginning to bite and you can enjoy an excellent fish meal in the Havhesten
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