Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Welcome to Norway
Norway is a once-in-a-lifetime destination and the essence of
its appeal is remarkably simple: this is one of the most
beautiful countries on earth.
Stirring Landscapes
The drama of Norway's natural world is difficult to overstate. Impossibly steep-sided fjords
of extraordinary beauty cut gashes from a jagged coastline deep into the interior. The fjords'
fame is wholly merited, but this is also a land of glaciers, grand and glorious, snaking down
from icefields that rank among Europe's largest. Elsewhere, the mountainous terrain of Nor-
way's interior resembles the ramparts of so many natural fortresses, and yields to rocky
coastal islands that rise improbably from the waters like apparitions. And then, of course,
there's the primeval appeal of the Arctic. Such landforms provide a backdrop for some of
Europe's most charismatic wildlife - polar bears (in Svalbard), reindeer and musk oxen to
name just three - and the setting for many a picturesque wooden village.
Scandinavian Sophistication
The counterpoint to so much natural beauty is found in Norway's vibrant cultural life. Nor-
wegian cities are cosmopolitan and brimful of architecture that showcases the famous
Scandinavian flair for design through the ages. At the same time, a busy calendar of fest-
ivals, many of international renown, are worth planning your trip around.
The Call of the Wild
In Norway, nature is very much an active pursuit, and Norwegians' passion for exploring
their natural world has created one of Europe's most exciting and varied adventure-tourism
destinations. Some activities may only be for the young, energetic and fearless, but most -
such as world-class hiking, cycling and white-water rafting in summer; dog-sledding, skiing
and snowmobiling in winter - can be enjoyed by anyone of reasonable fitness. On our
travels we've encountered 93-year-old snowmobilers and whole families racing down rap-
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