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The above defines a property named sentence with value:
Lorem ; ipsum
It is not surprising that quotation marks should be escaped. The line:
person = "John \"Moo\" Cowboy"
defines the property person with the value:
John "Moo" Cowboy
The same escaping procedure applies to backslashes. The definition:
str = "a\\b"
sets the value of the str property to:
The above description clarifies the following notation:
something = "x ; \"y\" ; \\ ; z"
Surrounding quotes are necessary because we use semicolons. The quotes inside are
escaped. Double backslash is an escaped backslash, hence the property something
has the value:
x ; "y" ; \ ; z
Remember, that these rules apply to everything you store in your .gitconfig
Hint The syntax of .gitconfig file is described in the manual in the section on
Syntax: $ git help config
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