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The parameter --pretty=format allows you to define the arbitrary output's
format. The special string containing placeholders defines the output. The command:
$ git log --pretty=format:"%an --- %H"
will print the output in this form:
Joe Doe --- 123456...
The first part of the output (e.g., Joe Doe) is the author's name, while the second
part is a full SHA-1 of a revision. This output is produced with two placeholders:
%an - author's name
%H - full SHA-1 hash
The other useful placeholders include:
%h: abbreviated commit hash,
%ae: author email,
%ad: author date,
%cn: committer name,
%ce: committer email,
%cd: committer date,
%e: encoding,
%s: subject,
%n: newline.
Hint A full list of placeholders is available in the manual for git log . You can ac-
cess it with the git help log command.
Here are some parameters to filter revisions included in the output:
-n —number of revisions, for example, -7 restricts git log to the last
seven revisions
--since="yyyy-mm-dd" —starting date
--until="yyyy-mm-dd" —finishing date
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