Information Technology Reference
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Lightweight tags are created with:
$ git tag tag-name [REVISION]
To remove both annotated and lightweight tags use:
$ git tag -d tag-name
You can list tags with:
$ git tag
If you want to list all the tags sorted by date use the following command:
$ git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="%ai
And here is the command to check the most recent annotated tag:
$ git describe
Publishing tags
You can publish your tags with:
$ git push --tags
Whenever you execute the command:
$ git fetch
it will fetch all the tags from the server.
If for any reason you want to delete a remote tag, you should use:
$ git push origin :refs/tags/tag-name
Similar to branches, when tags in a remote repository are deleted, your local reposit-
ory is not affected. The command $ git fetch will fetch any new tags but will not re-
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