Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 13-5. The configuration file database.ini-dist
database_host =
database_name = dbname
database_user = admin
database_password = sEcrEtPaSSword
Create the .gitignore file containing a single rule:
You can produce the file with the following command:
$ echo /database.ini > .gitignore
Commit both files with:
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Generic database configuration"
How It Works
If someone wants to use your application he has to clone it and customize the configur-
ation. The user has to rename the file database.ini-dist to database.ini
and change its contents with his settings. Thanks to the .gitignore file his personal
settings will never be committed into the repository.
13-10. Using the .git/info/exclude file
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