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3. Restore all tracked files with $ git reset --hard
The file linux/abcd.txt stored in the working directory now uses CRLF line
endings. You want to commit this file into the repository in such a way that the object
stored in the database uses CRLF line endings. But the command $ git status -
sb prints the information that the working directory is clean. Therefore you cannot
commit this file with the simple $ git add and $ git commit commands.
To commit the linux/abcd.txt file with a CRLF line ending you have to up-
date the staging area. Follow this procedure:
4. Set the core.autocrlf option to false with $ git config --
local core.autocrlf false
5. Remove the staging area with $ rm .git/index
6. Recreate the .git/index file with $ git reset
Check the status of all files with $ git status -sb . As you can see the file
linux/abcd.txt is listed as modified. The command:
$ git diff
- a
- b
- c
+linux ^M
+ a ^M
+ b ^M
+ c ^M
In the above output the characters ^M represent CR . We can say that the file
linux/abcd.txt was changed in such a way that every line contains a new CR
Because $ git status -sb prints the information that the repository is dirty,
you can create a new commit. Finish the recipe committing all changed files with
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