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The first solution, created in Recipe 2-1 is a clone of the original jQuery repository
stored on Github. Inside git-recipes/02-01/jquery/.git/config you will
find the following lines:
[remote "origin"]
url =
The entry [remote "origin"] stores the address passed to the git clone
The second solution, git-recipes/02-03/ is a clone of a local directory. The
file git-recipes/02-03/.git/config contains:
[remote "origin"]
url = /home/john/git-recipes/02-01/jquery
As you can see this time [remote "origin"] points to the local directory.
Hint I assumed that the full path to your git-recipes/ directory is: /home/
john/git-recipes/ .
The third solution is an exact copy of git-recipes/02-03/ . Thus, the file
git-recipes/02-04/.git/config contains:
[remote "origin"]
url = /home/john/git-recipes/02-01/jquery
If we had used:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone 02-03 02-04
to create git-recipes/02-04/ ; the file git-recipes/02-04/.git/
config would have instead contained:
[remote "origin"]
url = /home/john/git-recipes/02-03
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