Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
When you decide that the pull request is correct you can accept it using the Merge
pull request button shown in Figure 12-23 .
In this chapter I have provided you with basic information for using Github as a host-
ing platform for your projects as well as the procedures for contributing to projects
owned by others.
If you want to host an open-source project using Github, follow Recipes 12-3, 12-4,
and 12-6. Whenever you receive a pull request you can accept it by following Recipe
Maybe you want to contribute to an open-source project? You can do this by using
the method explained in Recipes 12-7 and 12-8.
If you host a project that is developed by a team of developers that you trust, you
can avoid using pull request by you and your friends. Setting appropriate rights you can
allow other Github users to push directly to the original repository. The dialog box to
do this is available under the team management link shown in Figure 12-25 .
Figure 12-25 . The team management link leads you to the page where you can assign rights for other developers
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