Information Technology Reference
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uses SSH protocol. You will find a complete reference of protocol used by git in Table
12-2. Configuring a Github account with
SSH keys
You want to configure your Github account in such a way that git allows you to clone,
fetch, and push using SSH URLs.
To complete this recipe you will need an SSH key pair. Check if your /.ssh/ direct-
ory contains them. Open a bash window and list the contents of the .ssh directory:
$ ls /.ssh
If this directory doesn't contain the id_rsa and files, then you
have to generate them. The command you need is:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C
This command will ask you two questions that were explained in Recipe 11-5 under
the RSA keys section. The first question sets the names for the two files with keys; the
second sets the use of a passphrase to protect your keys. If you press ENTER the files
will be stored in default location and the passphrase will not be used.
When the id_rsa and files are ready, start your web browser and
visit Follow the link titled “Sign up for GitHub;” when you finish, log in
using your newly created account.
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