Information Technology Reference
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Boot the virtual machine and open the ssh session:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Update the system dependencies and install the git and gitweb packages:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get install -y git gitweb
Next modify Gitweb's configuration. Open the /etc/gitweb.conf file with $
sudo vi /etc/gitweb.conf and change the line:
$projectroot = "/var/cache/git";
$projectroot = "/pub/git";
Finally, open your web browser (on the host machine) and visit the following ad-
You should see the web page presented in Figure 11-2 . The name of every reposit-
ory is the hyperlink. If you follow it you will see the page presenting detailed informa-
tion about the repository. Figure 11-3 presents the detailed information about repository
03-01. The description:
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name
the repository.
that is visible on both figures can be changed. It comes from the .git/descrip-
tion file.
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